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Skills Assessments
People from overseas who decide to work in Australia are required to get their professional and trade profile certified by the entities or the entitled bodies.
This process is known as Skills Assessment and, according to the occupation, the overseas-qualified workers may be required to apply for a specific skills assessment related to a particular industry. According to the selected occupation, criteria for skills assessment and involved authorities vary. Also, in some cases, the applicant’s English language level and registration in Australia are required, along with the applicant’s qualifications and work experience.
At Brightpart our Migration Agent assists regularly qualified workers with skills assessment applications. Brightpart can help you prepare your application, manage it, and liaise with the skill-assessing authority until a decision is made.
We are aware that accuracy and the deep knowledge of your situation are the most important aspects to consider when preparing a solid skills assessment to include in your visa application. Brightpart will not submit your skills assessment unless a positive outcome is foreseen.
We can assist you with becoming an Australian citizen.
If you have spent 4 years continuously with at least 1 year as a permanent resident, you may be eligible to apply to become an Australian citizen.
State Nomination Applications
We can assist you with your State Nomination Application.
Nominees are selected by States/Territories in Australia to meet the skills shortages in those States/Territories and you are expected to live in your nominated State/Territory for the first two years of your new life in Australia
If you were successful in applying under this category, you would have to undertake the following obligations:
- Live in the nominating State/Territory for at least two years;
- Keep immigration authorities informed of changes to your address; and
- Take part in surveys as required.
Each participating State/Territory maintains a list of occupations in demand as part of their State Migration Plan whereby nomination may be a possibility